Watch the IDEA Panel Discussion at Coworking Europe 2021
December’s IDEA Challenge is facilitated by Bernie Mitchell, Jeannine van der Linden and Ashley Proctor.
The IDEA Project is a global initiative aimed at developing Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity and Accessibility (IDEA) within coworking and collaborative spaces. Each month, we will host a challenge that assists you in broadening your understanding of IDEA, whilst giving clear actions for you to take to develop IDEA within your space.
Challenge #11 – Watch the IDEA Panel Discussion at Coworking Europe 2021
December is a busy time for many of us, so this month we are doing things a bit differently!
The Coworking IDEA Project curated and hosted a panel discussion at the Coworking Europe Conference on December 1st 2021. Rather than hosting multiple IDEA conversations in December, we are making the replay available to you here.
We would like to thank all of our conference panelists and organizing team for making this event such a success!
As we wrap up the year, please show some love to our 2021 sponsors – these organizations have committed time, energy, and financial support over the past year, and we wouldn’t be here without them. A big thank you to Coworking Canada, Cobot, The Coworking Alliance Summit, Women Who Cowork, Nook, Creative Blueprint, The German Coworking Federation, Ada Coworking, Open Coworking,, and The European Coworking Assembly.
A big thank you to all of our IDEA Project facilitators and participants!
We look forward to working alongside each and every one of you in 2022, and we’ll see you again in January.
Happy Holidays!