Community Care – Trauma Support Session
For the past 2 months our coworking friends from Ukraine have been enduring extreme stress, uncertainty, fear, grief, and loss. On top of the challenges to find safety for their families, secure jobs, housing, healthcare, services and supports in a foreign country – they must manage all the feelings of anger, disbelief, sadness, frustration and helplessness as they navigate these sudden and significant changes.
The international coworking community has stepped up to serve and support our friends feeling violence, and many of us have taken on frontline volunteer organizing work without much experience managing the emotional and psychological impacts of exposure to such horrific acts and human suffering.
Friends and family have been taken from us. ‘Before the war’ is a distant memory. Images are hard to forget, and the stories stay with us.
You are not alone with your feelings. We all need a safe space to share, to listen, and to learn how to manage these experiences and feelings.
The Coworking IDEA Project is sponsoring a group session for all those who have been impacted by the war in Ukraine – those directly impacted, as well as those volunteering in support.
We’re bringing you some essential tips and tools to help navigate these trying times.
Somatic Psychotherapist and Trauma Specialist – Laura Shook Guzman – will lead a 1-hour group session on zoom
Thursday April 21st (9AM PT | 12PM ET | 5pm UK | 6PM CET)
In this online session, you will find;
- Trauma resources for those experiencing violence and displacement due to the war in Ukraine
- Support for refugees, volunteers & helpers
- Tips and tools for how to set expectations and prevent burnout as a volunteer
- A supportive group of peers
You do not need to speak or participate on video – you are also welcome to join the event and just listen.
This session will be held in English. All are welcome.
This is a free event – Sponsored by the Coworking IDEA Project.